Git Weekly 0 - here we go again!

| 1 min read

📋 Summary

If there’s one universal tool for developers, it’s git. Indeed, this decentralized version manager (SCM for Source Code Management) has become a must-have over the years.

🧑‍🏫 A day to learn git, a lifetime to master it #

Even if we use git every day, it’s hard to master it completely. Why is it difficult to know everything about git? Because git contains a lot of commands. At the time of writing, there are 176 commands:

$ git version
git version 2.45.1

$ git help -a | grep "^ " | wc -l

☝️ Git tips & tricks #

That’s why we’re constantly discovering new git features. To this end, 10 years ago I started a series of articles on my previous French blog entitled “Git - le b.a.-ba”. These articles are more a collection of tips and tricks on git.

I propose to continue that series here in a slightly different form. I’m going to call this series “Git Weekly”. In one article, I’ll share all my new git tips and tricks of the week. It goes without saying that some weeks may be very information-packed and others less so. In fact, it’s very likely that there won’t be git articles every week.

🗂️ List of Weekly Git #

These articles can be accessed using the #git tag. However, here is the list of posts:

To your git commands!